We wish everyone in our community a happy, healthy, and safe Thanksgiving!
Don’t forget: Wednesday is an early release day.
Students will end their day at noon.
* * * * * * NEW & UPCOMING * * * * * *
Events: Clean Up The Park

The Mason-Rice Green Team is leading a Newton Centre Playground cleanup after school tomorrow, November 23rd, 3:30-4:15pm. Open to K-5 students (space limited). Please click here to sign-up.
Also, join us on Zoom on Wednesday, December 2, 4:00-5:00pm, to learn ways to reduce, reuse & recycle this holiday season! Please click here to sign-up.
Questions? Contact Contact Barbara Nestle and Wendy Sheu here.
Event: SPED Rights

Please join Newton SEPAC for a presentation on Special Education Rights During the COVID-19 Pandemic tomorrow, Monday, November 23, from 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Presentation by Daniel Heffernan, Esq., Newton parent and Special Education Attorney at Kotin Crabtree and Strong, LLP. to cover the current pandemic-specific DESE decisions and guidelines affecting SPED students in MA including IEP service delivery, compensatory services, evaluations, & administrative timelines. Q&A to conclude.
The link for the presentation was emailed to the SEPAC listserv. Email M-R SEPAC Liaison, Lindsay, if you didn’t receive the link and password.
Free: Breakfast and Lunch for Families

For the 2020-2021 academic year, FREE breakfast and lunch is available for ALL students. There are grab-n-go options for in-person pick-up, or separate pick-up locations at the high schools for virtual learners.
See the attached informational flyer and do not hesitate to take advantage of this important offering.
Participate: NPS Survey

Please be sure to complete the NPS survey (emailed by Superintendent Fleishman on 11/18) and provide feedback on how the year has been going for your child(ren). Deadline is Monday, November 30.
DLA: Upcoming Events

DLA Virtual Coffee: Mark your calendar for Tuesday, December 8th at 7pm. Led by Jennifer Shore, Principal, Distant Learning Academy. Link will be shared separately.
Next DLA Supplies Pick-ups at Mason-Rice will be on on Thursday, December 10th and Friday, December 11th, Parents can come to Mason-Rice anytime between 1:00 and 3:00 pm on these days.
Also, school pictures are in. If you haven’t received them in the mail, you can email Yasmeen, our parent volunteer overseeing school photos. She’ll coordinate with Monica for pick up at Supplies Pick Up days.
Upcoming: FORJ Events

Join the Mason-Rice FORJ team on Wednesday, December 9th from 8:00-9:30pm and learn more about the METCO program. Zoom link here (passcode: see emailed NOTES).
Save the date for a city-wide FORJ meeting on December 16th at 7:30pm. More information forthcoming.
Join our 4th and 5th grade GOTR girls!

Support Mason-Rice’s Girls on the Run team Community Impact Project for the Newton Food Pantry! Consider donating rice (brown or white rice, 1 or 2 lb bags) and toothpaste (full-size) to the collection bins outside the front door at school. The drive will run through tomorrow, Monday, November 23.
Reminder: Musical Mornings

CARES Assemblies (via video) began last week which means that Musical Mornings are back as well! Instead of performing at school in person, videos of student performances will be recorded by parents and shared during the assemblies.
There will be eight assemblies for Grades K-2, and eight for Grades 3-5. Slots in the Spring fill up quickly, so sign up for an earlier slot today.
Update: Gift of Giving

Thank you to all who have kindly signed up to fulfill a child’s Wish List for the Gift of Giving! We have already received the first gifts, and all wish lists for the Mildred C. Hailey Apartments have been spoken for! There are still close to 30 Wish Lists available for the Child Witness to Violence Project.
Are you curious about CWVP and what they do? This amazing organization based out of Boston Medical Center provides counseling and healing to children who have witnessed acts of significant domestic and community violence. While CWVP typically requests winter gear, clothes and toys, their clients are requesting gift cards this year due to the pandemic. Take a look at the beautiful artwork drawn by the children CWVP supports and GO HERE to sponsor one of these children!
Picture Day Photos

Student pictures are being sent to families this month by Hayward Photography. If you haven’t received your child(rens) photographs, you should expect them soon. (Hybrid students will receive them in school; DLA students will receive them in the mail.)
There will be a photo retake day after Thanksgiving break. Follow the Notes and our PTO Facebook page for information as it becomes available.
Reminder: Join/Follow M-R Eats

M-R Eats is off to a great start! We’ve had some delicious recipes posted and we’d love to have more people share their favorite dish for all to enjoy! Sign up here.
The holidays are coming and it’s time for cookies, turkey, cranberry sauce and all sorts of delicious foods! Share your family’s favorite meal traditions and recipes with M-R Eats on our Facebook page.
Give Back Business

Rosenfeld’s Bagels is a KVH Kosher certified bakery and a proud, long-time supporter of the Mason-Rice PTO. Stop by or order online for convenient pick-up or delivery of its famous bagels and challah today. You’ll be glad you did! 1280 Centre St, Newton.
Don’t forget to support the previously-spotlighted businesses! You can find them in the past Notes on our PTO website.

minted promo: now through December!
Reminder that if you shop at Minted now through December and use code (see emailed NOTES), you will receive 20% off all card and gift orders. Plus, Minted will donate 15% of orders back to the PTO. Win Win!

Help the PTO earn commissions from your everyday purchases!
Don’t forget to click through the Amazon logo on our PTO homepage (or above) and the PTO will earn commissions from your purchases! (Purchases and purchasers are not tracked or reported.)