PTO Notes 11-08-20
In This Edition

Veteran’s Day

In gratitude to the veterans in our community and those in our families, we remind everyone that there will be no school on Wednesday, November 11th, as the nation honors those who serve our country in war and peace.
Your PTO Dollars At Work

The PTO recently purchased new entryway mats for the school, specially made with our new logo! Until we are all able to enter the building and can view them for ourselves, we are excited to share these images with our community.
Have you noticed the teachers in their M-R logo tees? Those were gifted to the teachers at the start of the school year by the PTO. The PTO also hosted a staff lunch and a breakfast in September. We plan to host and do more!
Thank you, parents, for your support of the PTO which enables us to support our school community in ways like these!
We exist to support our teachers and our community. We welcome your ideas for how we can keep our community connected- this year and always.

Announcing: #MREats (Coming Soon)

Are you and your family fans of trying new recipes? Do you enjoy scrolling through recipes on social media? Join us through Mason-Rice Eats (#MREats) as a new way to connect our Mason-Rice community through cooking at home via social media. We are looking for families to send recipes and pictures/videos of them cooking at home to post onto our Instagram and Facebook accounts. Posts will be uploaded to the PTO FB and Instagram page by the administrator.
*Be on the look out for the sign-up page.
Interested? Here is how you join:
1). A Sign-up page will be created this week and posted onto Facebook & Instagram
2). Sign-up to commit to a date to have your pictures/videos and recipe completed by date on signup.
2). Submit your pictures and recipe to: lauramccaffery2012@gmail.
*Make sure you are following us on our private PTO Facebook group and Instagram page to enjoy watching our #MREats community in action!
Spotlight: Support the Businesses that Support Mason-Rice!

The Icing on the Cake enjoys being part of our great Newton community. They offer a large selection of cakes, cupcakes, cake pops, and during the holiday season: Hanukkah treats and gingerbread houses for Christmas.
Your next cake is a phone call away. Their staff will walk you though the ordering process for your cake and they offer delivery service.
Please visit their website to view TIOTC’s holiday and cake selection–no event is too small! Their individually boxed cupcakes make a great drop-off for that zoom birthday celebration.
Looking for a good holiday project? Check out their Gingerbread House Kit!
Call or stop by: 230 Adams Street, Newton | 617-969-1830
* Be sure to look back at the past two weekend Notes for deals from Create-a-Cook and Blacker’s Bakeshop
Are You Looking for Spirit Wear?

We’ve taken our online store offline, but you can still order items! Hoodies are $30 and Tee are $15. Email Katie with your order.
Available items include:
- Kids Navy Hoodie in S-L
- Adult Navy Hoodie in Women’s XS-L and in Men’s XS-XL
- Kids Navy Spirit Shirt in XS-L
- Kids Heather Blue Spirit Shirt in XS-L
This year any proceeds from the school spirit store will go to the 5th grade committee. The 5th grade committee raises funds for 5th grade graduation celebrations and also for a gift for the school.
Support the PTO through your every day purchases

Shop at Minted now through December and use code sent in the emailed Notes to receive 20% off all card and gift orders. Plus, Minted will donate 15% of orders back to the PTO. Win Win!

Click through the Amazon logo on and the PTO will earn commissions from your purchases! (Purchases and purchasers are not tracked or reported.)